December 19, 2012

A Dog in a Manger

Baby Jesus was Born in a Manger. 

I was Born in Rescue Kennels. Little Pickle was Born in Gun Dog Kennels.

Little Pickle is only quiet when He Lays Down His Head.  

Person thinks he has a Sweet Head. I DON'T! Nor does Monty the Mont.

Baby Jesus received Gold and Frankinsense and Myrrh.

Little Pickle Collects our Bones, Stagbars and Balls. 

He Flaunts them. 


Anyway, Monty the Mont is Eating Slowly. Usually Monty WOLFS his food down.

Monty the Mont will be NINE YEARS OLD tomorrow.

Person will take Monty to see Charles the Vet on his Birthday to find out why he's Eating Slowly. 

I Eat Slowly. 

I Eat Slowly so that Monty, Milly, Pickle and Zara Watch me. 

I Chew each piece. Crunch Crunch Crunch.

Monty, Milly, Pickle and especially Zara DROOOOOL.