July 17, 2020

Perfect Poos

Lewis Hamilton's Dog Rosco Eats Vegan Food.

Lewis Hamilton is a Racing Driver.


Person Googled Vegan Dogs.

'Old Dogs Live Longer on Vegan Diet'

'Old Dogs Make Perfect Poos on Vegan Diet'.

My Poos Just Happen.

My Poos Just Happen on the Floor.

My Poos Just Happen on my Sofa.

My Poos Just Happen in the Daytime.

My Poos Just Happen in the Night.

For One Week I have been a Vegan Dog.

For One Week I have had PERFECT POOS!

Zara Dreams About Eating.

Here is Pickle.

Someone called him a Hide-Ranger ha ha.

Someone else called him a Dog Rose ha ha

Anyway, I was once a Racing Dog.

I was FAST. 

I'm a Sighthound.