One was another Golden Retriever. Her name is Purdy and she is 12 weeks old.
And Leo is a Labradoodle and he is 18 weeks old.
Leo's teeth aren't quite so SHARP as Purdy's, but Leo is already Big and Strong, and Leo PULLS his Person when he is out on his lead going for Walks.
Already Purdy is learning not to nip Persons with her TEETH. Already Leo is learning not to PULL on the lead.
This is Leo. You can see Leo's He-Person's shoes too.
Monty the Mont and Marmite are chasing me round the lawn mower trying to get MY New Toy.
Soon I shall have all Three of the New Toys.
Person says this is called DOG IN THE MANGER. I would like it in The Manger.
Anyway, Monty the Mont can NEVER catch me. Marmite can NEVER catch me.