March 27, 2017

Happy Mothers Day

Day for Happy Mothers?

Person calls me Lazy Boy now.

I was Born in May 2005. I am Nearly Twelve Years Old.

I was Born in Rescue.

My Mother was a Saluki. She wasn't a Happy Mother.

Milly was Fourteen Weeks Old and had Never Been Outside. 

Milly had Only Ever Seen Two Persons.

Milly's Mother wasn't a Happy Mother either.

What about Pickle's Mother? (What did she have a Little Pickle for anyway?)

Person kept seeing the same Poster on a Gate: 'One Puppy Left'.

Oh Dear.

Happy Mother's Day is for Zara's Mother. Zara's Mother Lived with Persons in a Home.

Anyway, I am a Sight Hound, just Like My Mother.

I can see a Long Long Way.