We are Fostering BERYL.
(We are Not Good at Fostering).
Fostering means for a SHORT WHILE. Not for ALWAYS.
If Person was Good at Fostering there would be No Milly. If Person was Good at Fostering there would be NO ME!
There would only be Monty the Mont and Marmite.
Because Person is not Good at Fostering we are here for ALWAYS.
Beryl is an English Springer Spaniel and she's just Seven months Old.
I heard Person calling her Sweetie Pie.
Here is Sweetie Pie talking to Milly.
And here she is with me in the SNOW.Sweetie Pie is Very Playful. Sweetie Pie SPRINGS (because she is a Springer).
I can Spring too. I have Sprung onto my Chair in our Dog Den.
Person went to visit Lincolnshire Dog Lady Sue. She lives with Lincolnshire Horse Man Garry.
And Herbie.
Here is Herbie drinking water with a Big Horse.
Herbie is Very Good at Coming Back when Called.
Person went to see Lottie because Lottie is NOT Very Good at Coming Back when Called.
Here is Lottie with Cleo.
Person went to see a Golden Retriever who is 9 months old. Another Lottie!
Goldie Lottie is Not Very Good at Coming Back when Called either.
(Sweetie Pie might one day go and live with Lottie).
Springers SPRING. Retrievers RETRIEVE. German Shepherds SHEPHERD.
And I.......LURCH?
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