December 10, 2019

General Election. Choose Yellow for Free Doggy Daycare

On Thursday Persons will choose Red or Blue or Yellow or Purple or Green.

I Choose Yellow.

(I can't see Red and Purple and Green. They All Look the Same to me).

Person says Choosing Yellow offers Free Doggy Daycare to All Dogs.

I can see Blue too. That's why we have Blue Balls.

Person went a Bulldog named Boris. 

Person once went to a Jack Russell Terrier named Nigel.

(Person hasn't yet been to a Dog named Jeremy). 

Anyway, we don't need Doggy Daycare. We have Person and we have Sofas

We have Hidey-Holes. We have Toys.

We have our Field.

On this day Two Years Ago it was Snow. Today it's Very Windy.

I Don't Like Wind.