February 28, 2021

Oh Dear Deer

First Milly Sniffed the Air. 

Then Zara Sniffed the Air.

Then Pickle Stopped Pickling to Sniff the Air.

I Sniffed the Air.

Up High. Up High on the Bank. 

But not a Dog?

Yesterday Person Wanted a Picture of us all for My Blog.

Pickle was sitting on the Bonfire.

Zara was Taking a Break from Looking for Things to Eat.

 Milly was asking Is this Pigeon Poo? 

Milly was 13 Last Week. I am Nearly 16.

Sometimes my Back Legs Collapse. I Sit on my Poo.

Dear Dear.

Anyway, here is a Picture of Me. Thinking. Thinking About Walking Up the Slope and Back Into the House.


  1. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Hello Pip – I am very excited to see your DEER. My DEER look different. I would like to see if they smell the same. We have two DEER that are sometimes in the neighbor’s yard under their big brush. They are Mama DEER and Baby DEER from last year that is now almost as big as Mama Deer. Persons say that later this spring Mama Deer is likely to have a new baby.
    It is a wonderful here now. The snow is gone and the SQUIRRELS are back out. Now that Doyle went away, I must keep all SQUIRRELS, BUNNIES and DEER out of our yard.
    Sorry that you are falling in your poo. Does the warm sun feel good to you?
    Your friend Penny

  2. Hi Penny, I hope you are being a Good Girl. I'm a Good Boy. My Deer is a Muntjack Deer. Not native to UK but from China and some escaped from a zoo a long time ago.

    You must not chase the new Baby Deer. Chase Suirrles instead? I would love to come Squirrel-Chasing with you. I would need to grow Young again
