July 08, 2007

Another Lurcher

My Person came home today smelling of LURCHER and that Lurcher wasn't me! It was a Bigger Lurcher and a Browner Lurcher. His name is Ted.

Ted is only 9 months old and Ted likes Digging Holes. I like Digging Holes too. You can see one of Ted's Holes in the picture.

Ted has a Girl-Person called Molly. I hope Molly writes to me in my Blog.

Person has been to see lots and lots of dogs, and I have been shut OUTSIDE. It has RAINED and RAINED. We have the garden, our kennel and our field to play in. I don't think Persons trusts me in the house any more. Not since I ate the Ten Pound Note. (While I was shut OUTSIDE last week I did manage to spread barbeque coal all over the garden).

There is Very Good News. Poppy the the Tan Greyhound has found a NEW HOME.

There is Very Sad News which made my Person cry tears. Robin who was Mary Person's Labrador and who was a Very Old Dog had to be Put to Sleep. Here is a picture of Robin with Hunny:

Anyway, I don't need to be Put to Sleep. I can go to sleep all by myself.

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