August 03, 2008


Here we all are, shut Outside last Sunday. We were shut Outside because Person's Baby Grandchildren came.

There were six Big Persons and three Very Little Persons and Milly wasn't Barking. You can see that Milly was no longer scared.

Silly Milly is becoming Big and Brave. Person says I am becoming Sensible. That's because I am so busy playing with Milly and Teaching her THINGS, that I don't have to look for things to do any more.

When Person lets us into our Field first thing in the morning there are RABBITS there.

I FLY across the Field after the Rabbits, Milly CHARGES accross the Field, Monty the Mont RUNS accross the Field and Marmite Walks.

Then we sniff and sniff and we eat Rabbit Droppings. Person calls Rabbit Droppings Croutons.

Anyway, one day I shall CATCH a Rabbit. I'm not yet quite sure what I shall DO with it.


  1. HEHEHE I love bunnys too!!!

  2. If yu hav time, pop over to my blog today- charnse to win a prize!!!
