June 07, 2019

Being Deaf is Peaceful

I am Deaf. I Can't Hear anymore.

But I'm a Sight Hound. I don't need Ears.

I  Can't Hear Pickle Barking anymore.

Person says that if Pickle was Deaf he wouldn't Bark.

(But Pickle doesn't Bark with his Ears. Pickle barks with his Mouth).


Milly has Very Good Ears for Barking. They stick up. 

Milly's Ears are Made For Listening.

I Can't Hear Person when she calls me in. 

She taps me gently. Then I Look. I can See what she's saying to me. 

Anyway. Pickle's Birthday is on the 26th June. Zara's Birthday is on the 26th June also. 

This is a Coincidence.

Pickle will be Nine. Zara will be Eight. 

I am Fourteen.

Being Deaf is Peaceful.


  1. Anonymous1:11 pm

    Hi Pip, I have just had my birthday. Now I am 12. Being deaf has some advantages. You do not have to spend the energy to pretend that you do not hear persons calling you or asking you not to bark. I have been to My Valerie and have a good haircut for the summer. Persons tell me I look very handsome, and have sent before and after pictures for you to see. Now that I am all smooth I can swim better. We leave on our vacation in 3 days. I will swim and ride in the boat. Dudley’s person from before he lived with us will be there. This is Penny’s first vacation with us. Your friend, Doyle

  2. Person says she loves your comment Doyle about not having to spend energy on pretending not to hear persons calling. You are a very funny dog. You are also now a Very Smart Dog with your tidy haircut. I don't like water. Pickle would love to come swimming with you. Your friend, Pip

  3. Anonymous1:00 pm

    Hello Pip,
    We have been back from our vacation for two weeks. Person said you would call it Holiday. I got to swim every day. Penny likes to swim too. She gets in my way and swims out to get the things the man has thrown for me. The man says Penny is a hound, but the woman says no hound ever swam like Penny. I say Penny is annoying. Dudley got to see his first person. He explores the land then goes out into the water when he is hot. Dudley is a hound. He does not retrieve. He is not a pain. It is very hot here now with something persons call humidity. We have cool air in the house. I like to stay inside. Penny would like to be outside all the time. Persons said we had a deer in our yard yesterday, but I didn't see it. Your friend, Doyle

  4. It was eleven years ago that Person took me to the beach. Monty the Mont and Marmite were alive then. We didn't have a Pickle. Zara is a Labrador and she doesn't like water. She should like water. She doesn't retrieve either. I'm a Sight Hound. I don't swim. Too much effort. If yo had seen the deer, what would you have done with it? Perhaps we will meet one day in Heaven. We can chase deer. You can swim and I can watch.

  5. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Pip - I would like to meet you and I have asked the woman about going to see you in Heaven. She says that will not be possible as I am needed at home and will not be allowed to travel. She said that I am the lead dog and that they are counting on me being here. I asked about going to England to meet you. She said there is something called Quarantine that I would not like. So it looks like I'm stuck here with Dudley and Penny. This is not fair. I am an English Springer Spaniel and I should get to meet my English friend. Your friend, Doyle

  6. Dear Doyle, Persons protect is from The Truth. The Truth is you and I will go to Heaven one day and then we can meet. We will be able travel wherever we like without quarantine because we won't need our Dogs' Bodies anymore. You can show me you Deer. Person says I can be like a Fly On The Wall and watch Dudley and Penny with you.
