January 22, 2020

I slipped on the slippery floor


I Couldn't Walk properly.

Person Helped me onto the Sofa. I Screamed again.

Milly ran to me. Pickle ran to me. Zara ran to me.

Person ran to me.

Person said, Why do these things Always Happen on a Sunday?

Person gave me some Soft Cheese on a Spoon (there was Something Hidden in It). 

Anyway, Milly, Pickle and Zara then went back to Sleep.

Person Talked to me a Lot. 

Person said, I Don't Want to say Bye Bye Pip.

Person said I'm taking you to The Vet tomorrow.

Next day I was Much Better.

I didn't go to The Vet.

Anyway, Person has a New Rug to stop me Slipping and Sliding. 

It's Terracota.


  1. Anonymous11:58 am

    Oh Pip, We are getting old. This morning person had to wake me up for breakfast. Otherwise Penny would EAT EVERYTHING. If I was there I would talk to you too. I would tell you to eat more and be strong. I hope you do not hurt too much. It must have been very scary when you fell. You are a lucky dog to have a good person to help you. Dudley fell before he went away. Persons thought he was okay, but when they took him to Aunt Joanne, she said he was not okay. She could tell by feeling him where he hurt. He got pills. We are always happy to see your new pictures. A new rug is a very good idea. I have two new rugs in the kitchen to make it easier for me to get up. I like to be in the kitchen when there is cooking. I get broccoli and green beans and carrots to eat. No onions though or mushrooms. Persons say that those are not for dogs. The woman person is home more now which is why this is a long post. Penny and I like it. She is not so rushed now. Bye for now my good English friend. Doyle

  2. Anonymous12:52 am

    Hi Pip - How are you? This has been a very exciting weekend. The man took me and Penny too and we had a sleep over at the cabin at Deer Camp. We like to run in the hills and smell the smells. Sometimes I find turtles, but not this time. Please tell your person that it is time for more pictures. It was on the news here that England has had some storms with lots of wind. Did you have that at your house? Your friend Doyle

  3. Hello My Friend Doyle. When I go to Heaven I shall come and join you at Deer Camp. You can show me Turtles.
    Soon I shall write my next Blog xxx
