May 08, 2020

Person Thought I Had Written my Last Blog

I had a Very Bad Tummy.


Person thought:

'Oh Dear Pip might Die. I'm in Lockdown'.

The Vet said Pick Up Pills.

I'm FINE now and I'm back to Eating Grass.

Anyway, Milly just Carried on Chewing her Bone.

 Zara just Carried on Being Zara

And Little Pickle just wanted to Go Pickling in the Field.


  1. Anonymous12:54 pm

    Hi Pip,
    We liked looking at the new pictures in your blog. I am glad you are better now. Did you have your pills in pate? Penny and I would like to try pate. When my tummy feels bad I always eat grass - especially the tall juicy grass in the shade. Then I puke and feel better. I went to my Valerie and have my summer hair cut. I am an active dog and still slim, but in my winter fur persons always think I might be getting too fat. I also went to see my vet, Aunt Joanne. Because of social distancing persons could not go in with me. One of the nice helpers came to the car to get me. Then I visited with Aunt Joanne. Then she called persons on the phone. Then one of the nice helpers took me back to the car. I like going to see Aunt Joanne, she is nice to me and feeds me treats. She says Doyle, Doyle and then laughs. She sits on the floor and I get right next to her. I have heard Persons tell her "you can never retire." My birthday is next month. I will be 13. Your friend Doyle

  2. It is so good to hear from you, my Friend Doyle. My tummy is better most of the time. I do my poops in the house and sometimes in my bed. Person say easier to clean up than pees. You are having a Lovely Life. I am having a Boring Life, but that suits me.

    I would like to visit your Auntie Joanne. Perhaps I can when I go to Heaven. I could visit you too. Astral Travel.

    Persons are at home all the time. Because they are OLD like me, they Are Not Allowed Out/ Person sometimes goes to a big Warehouse to buy our Dog Food. That's All. She wears a Mask and Gloves.

    Persons look Scary in Masks.

    With Licks and Wags from your friend Pip xxx
