I think New Year's Day was even better then Christmas Day! So does Monty the Mont and so does Marmite.
Marmite and Monty the Mont had just been Pretending to Kill me like they often do, when we had a Big Surprise. There, at our side gate, were Ole and Tally!
We quickly all charged down into our Field and we Chased and Chased and we Played and Played and we Barked and Barked and we pretended to Fight. Ole was Very Brave and only sometimes hid under my Look-Out Table which I stand on to see the World. Tally was Very Brave too until she leapt onto her Person's lap.
Ole and Tally are quite small. They are 7 months old and they are Brother and Sister. They are Patterdale Terriers. Ole and Tally are Very Strong and Very Quick.
Ole and Tally DART ABOUT.
I was a Very Happy Dog Playing with Ole and Tally. Marmite was a Very Happy Dog Playing with Ole and Tally. Even Monty the Mont was a Very Happy Dog Playing with Ole and Tally. He wasn't On the Defensive at all.
Anyway, I can still run Fastest in a straight line.
So it has been a Happy New Year's Day.
Here is a Picture of me being Killed by Monty the Mont and Marmite.
Dogs are the part of our life so we are very much attached to them.Also here showing that Ole and Tally! they are so sweet in this.i like you blog so much